• Member Since 8th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen February 13th


Occsionally updates


So. Been a while. · 6:15pm Nov 26th, 2020

It's funny, I've lurked for so long on this site I didn't realize until today (Happy Thanksgiving ya'll) that I hadn't really done a proper update for this page.

Won't bore you with my personal life too much: Went through college, gone through a number of short term-ish gigs job wise, and now back at community colllege.

In more relative news, I've got a Ko-Fi page I highly suggest everyone check out https://ko-fi.com/bob_dude

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Thanks for favoriting one of my stories! Hope you’ll enjoy it!

That's good to hear! Nice and squeaky, hehe.


I'm a sucker for balloon TFs, mostly.

Thanks for the favorite on Birthday Balloons! Please don't forget to leave a like!
Also, what made you enjoy it? :heart:

Thank you for liking Blame the Pink One :pinkiehappy:

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