• Member Since 17th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen June 25th

Mr Good Guy

Comments ( 101 )
  • Viewing 97 - 101 of 101

Sure, but it would make things a LOT easier, considering I'm not familiar with some of these fanfiction titles, and some of your Youtube song links are broken, or unavailable.

I'll consider it. No hard feelings if I don't do it?

Maybe instead of directly posting the links, do something that can allow someone to copy/paste it and use it themselves without too much difficulty, eg. wwwDOTfimfictionDOTnet, also, don't just put the links, give the name, website, a brief description for the stories reviewed, and for the songs, give the name of the song, artist who sang it, the soundtrack where it came from, and so on, so people could find them, even when the links break.

I actually tried both your opinions, but my tablet keeps glitching with the links.

  • Viewing 97 - 101 of 101
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