This group is dictated to gather gamers of any sort to meet, talk about stuff and make play dates.
Feel free to join.
What you need:
- A PC or Laptop, no matter if Windows, Apple or Linux
- A Internet connection.
- Tunngle to create LAN servers. It's a free programm. (Here is a link for it.)
What is optional:
- A decent Internet connection
- Steam
- Skype
Holy shit this is old now, looking though this old account makes me nostalgic ;(
Hey everyone! A group of friends and I are working to revive computer gaming tournaments in the Midwest. We are using Kickstarter to help with the goal of relaunching Laclede's LAN (the gaming group we founded).
Additionally, we are building a non-profit along side of this gaming community. This non-profit is going to be focused on helping to get kids into computers, programming and technology. Our goal is to educate kids about computers and maybe even have a bit of fun while gaming.
Please share with your friends and donate if you can. This is more than just a gaming event. This is building a community of gamers in STL and the Midwest.
312279 hmm... If I could run it, no problem. but I can't.
Maybe someone else in this group, might play with you.
Just make a forum post.
what about Planetside 2?
311892 simple anwser: ALL THE GAMES!
Also there is in the forum a thread, where I listed my games. So just go there and make a comment with yours.
Star Trek is a F2P game... it also got updated big time the 22nd
Lan part yea...but with wich game?