• Member Since 2nd Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen Jul 9th, 2022


A simple writer with dreams of becoming something greater than himself. He vows to help those in need and be the best he can be. That is Ghost's mission. PM him for just about anything! He won't bite.

My Most Recent of The Stuffs.


Updates Soon! · 9:53pm Feb 2nd, 2015

2,500 words into the new chapter of WWHH guys! Also, I'm drawing up some ideas for a sequel to Bucking is Bucking Hard Work and continuing on the dumb parody thing I started a while ago. So yeah.

I'm back I guess. For real this time.

Love always and forever,

Report GhostWriter17 · 521 views · Story: What We Haven't Had ·
Comments ( 50 )
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Thanks for checking out "Sensation - Las Pegasus," GhostWriter! I'm glad you enjoyed it, and I hope you'll check out the main story, too!

1198229 That's okay, nice to know that you are within the morning of the passing of a fellow brony friend. :heart: I hope that you enjoy my stories, and all that I have to think in my mind through the blogs.

~Crystal Feather

1197577 Unfortunately, as I am sad to say, I found out by way of one of my followers mourning the passing of your friend, and stumbled upon your user page, and just instantly followed. I've lost several people in my relatively short life to instances of such things, and I know what it's like to feel a pain like that, and I don't know. I follow lots of people who either follow me, have great stories, or seem like wonderful people in all walks of life. That being said, I do plan on reading some of your work, hopefully I'll get around to it.

I hope you have a wonderful day/night, wherever you are, and that your stars align to ease the sorrow of life.

Love always and forever,

Thank you for the follow. If you don't mind me asking, how did you find me, or what story did you enjoy?

A tad overdue, but your follow is welcomed with open arms. :heart:

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The Best Blog Post Ghost Has Ever Read. EVER.

Ah, yes, Equinox of Ashes..., more like Equinox of Shit!

Honestly, I knew this story needed a lot of work, but my Celestia this is by far the worst pile of fecal literacy I have ever visually had the misfortune of editing. And you know what the worst part is?

I wrote it!

When a blog post begins with THAT... And it gets better from there, I don't know if there is anything greater than this blog post. Truly beautiful in every way. Go. Read it. NAOW!

Equinox of Ashes: A Self Review