• Member Since 25th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 5th, 2014


Updates 06/03 [Updated Daily]

I'm so popular this week in real life...I'll try to put something out irregardless this week though :D I'm thinking about the next chapter and my ideas for it :D
The collab is also is the works as well! JX has already finished chapter 2 and it's pretty cool so far :3 Check out his page and stories JXWheeler He's pretty awesome ^_^ Anyway until next time my pretties
Also, this week I'm busy preparing for prom (I was asked two days ago, and it's on Friday...-_-) as well as a few last minute projects to end the year with. But school is almost over! I'll try to have the next chapter out before school ends but definitely after school ends I will have more time for the site rather than go to school all day then work all night. Look forward to seeing more stuff :D
[img] http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b354/MeisugiJaganshi/Magic%20Kaito%20Detective%20Conan/KaitoKidSignatureGIF.gif [/img]

Btw...I just wanted to give a shout out to my number one fan SolarSunset :D She is really awesome and is going to be making a story staring my OC CaramelSwirls and her own OC SolarSunset :D I think that's awesome ^.^ I'm really lucky to have a fan like you :D[img] https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/540462_2656303622435_292002855_n.jpg[/img] Click Bubbles to see her page

Click Rarity to join my new group ^.^ We welcome all ponies :)
[img] https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/150955_2667956193742_1437425095_n.jpg [/img]
Check out xRezurrected, DonnaGoesRawr, QuillStroke, NicholasLikesPoniez, Crashie-Dashie, and Screaming Mantis stories :D They are all really awesome and good friends of mine so love them [img] https://si0.twimg.com/profile_images/2859830134/72dd4a99f219fd57f8c91ee45f878f6e_normal.png [/img]

My Latest Concotions [Warning: May be deadly]

The Greatest Man Alive <3

I hope to marry him one day :heart:


Chapter 4~ · 8:32pm May 31st, 2013

Chapter 4 is finally released!!!! ^_^ I hope you all enjoy it and keep an eye out for my daily posts to see the progress of chapter 5 :D

[img] http://images.wikia.com/clonewarsadventurescharacter/images/2/28/Pinkie_pie_bday_image.gif [/img]

Report CaramelSwirls · 444 views ·

A Couple of Awesome Things

A collection of my favorite things

Comments ( 39 )
  • Viewing 35 - 39 of 39

WHY IS IT NORMAL TO SPELL! :flutterrage:

Lilith spread the Illogic to you.:pinkiecrazy:

You're welcome. Have you by chance heard of chocolate swirl?:pinkiecrazy:

I'm following you :pinkiecrazy:

  • Viewing 35 - 39 of 39
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