My Pony Words
- Discord, once again a statue, thinks about many things. But mostly about tacos.Jayellow · 1.1k words · 60 1 · 1.2k views
Creepers and Creep-ees.
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You Should Totally Read These
The Celestia Code Princess Twilight Sparkle discovers a centuries-old mystery hidden in the Royal Archives. by iisaw 69,133 words · 2,877 · 66
The Donutier My name is Twilight Sprinkle, and I'm not who you think I am. I don’t have friends, I don’t have books, and I sure as the sun don’t have any wings. by Hap 13,097 words · 1,182 · 45
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Thank you for the follow, my dude. I’m glad you like the ‘Snuggles’ series; be sure to check out the rest!
Thanks for the follow, and for the faves on The Steam Collection. I'm glad you enjoy what I write.

And thanks for the fave on "GOAL!", as well!
Why didn't I follow you already?
And yeah, I recommend the hell out of Michael Moorcock's Elric Saga to any fan of swords-and-sorcery books, as this helped define the genre. I suppose in theory Stormbringer could be read by itself, but why not get the whole experience?
Hey, it never hurts to ask.
Although, I may read that series now, just because it sounds cool. My username is actually a play on my real name. I came up with it one day when I restarted a game of pokemon. If you want to know how it is a play on my real name, just swap the color out for another.
Not really, sorry.