Never in my life have I been more pissed off. · 6:57am Jul 16th, 2014
For those of you that live in Houston and know about news radio 740 KTRH, there is a conservative radio host by the name of Michael Berry who recently sent one of his lackeys to Fiesta Equestria to "interview" some of the attendees. What he ended up doing was not only twisting the interviews around to make us seem like freaks, but he outright slandered one of my best friends by saying that he was not only a Sociology drop-out, but was also kicked out of the Marine Corps. He then went so far as
Oh my-good-golly-gosh! WE HAVE THE SAME FIRST NAME!
Hey there, friend! Just wanted to say thanks for the fave on Princess Twilight Takes A Walk! It means the world to me knowing you liked it!
Same to you brother!
Thanks for the watch, mate!
I actually haven't read it yet (daddy duties) but from listening to the podcast, I know that it'll be good.
On an unrelated note, glad to hear that nothing came of your "altercation" at the BBQ joint... Close-minded fools (like my brother and cousin) I say.
Also, I can't wait until next month to be at Fiesta Equestria and hopefully meet you and Silvermane.