The OCs of our stories. 72 members · 131 stories

Read before you join!

What is this group for?
Its main focus is stories about everypony`s OCs. We also have a folder for when OCs have small parts in their stories too. But over all we want to see your OCs in stories. (NO MATUCE STORIES ALLOWED! Bad words are allowed but not other things....)

Why should I join?
Please! We would love to have a lot of members with a lot of great stories. And the worst thing we have is stories with bad words. We allow everypony to join our group and most stories are ok to be in this group.

Can my stories be featured?
Yes, well sometimes. If I or another amid thinks its the best OC story it can chosen. So the answer is maybe....

Is money something it worry about?
HECK NO! I would never take your money! I am open to taking art. I would love have somepony make art for my stories. So I will see what I can about that.

Thank you~huskypaw02

And Check Out Pony Gifs & Art: (Link)

Comments ( 3 )
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What if my story is a bit... violent?

just a quick Q 'n A........ i take it that there are no NSFW stories here, are there?

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