• Member Since 15th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen Nov 23rd, 2021

Viking Hoof


NSR Battle Rifle · 5:35am Jul 20th, 2017

Sorry it's been so long since I last updated. Tbh, just in a rough spot emotionally. Haven't been doing nothing, though I haven't been doing much.

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Report Viking Hoof · 527 views · Story: Pony Class Starship ·

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Comments ( 398 )
  • Viewing 394 - 398 of 398

Just read Pony Class Starship in one go. Hope it comes back soon.

aye ya wee lad, remember me from the discord?
i came back on here to check on what is going on, has there been any development as of yet?
also, reason i could not come back is outdated links, as my previous account got YEETed.

:twilightsmile: Thank you so much for the fave, I appreciate it so much

  • Viewing 394 - 398 of 398
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