• Member Since 6th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago

Pen Stroke

A fan-fiction author and game programmer that lives in Glendale, CA.



==Originally written Fall 2011== Equestria Daily Post==
After a long day of ruling Equestria, the Royal Sisters need a chance to unwind. Luna's solution is a few glasses of her once famous Moonshine, a drink distilled from moonlight. Celestia has been sober for a thousand years, but the temptation to have "just one" glass proves too great. Yet, when that one glass turns into several, it's Twilight who will have to deal with the princesses when they’re drunk off their flanks.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 243 )

I remember thissss! <3

yay! this is here... :trollestia:

OOOOO I remember this... Time to read it again


Damn, it's been so long since I've read this...


HEE HEE HEE! All of my favs! I love it!

all i read was moonshine and i favorited

Wait if this is here... that mean Past Sins maybe next! Huzzah! More great fics coming to FiMFiction!

Great story by the way, your drunk Celestia is hilarious and did well in keeping her right.

In the Name of Her Serene Majesty Celestia Everfree,
Celestia's Paladin: For Honor and Duty, For the Sun and Moon


Maybe a sequel to where Twilight does get to try it?:twilightsheepish:

I need more of this. :rainbowlaugh:

This is amazing.
You are amazing.
Thank you.

A quick and comedic romp, I loved it! :pinkiehappy::heart:

Drunk Luna and Celestia are best Luna and Celestia. When they're happy of course.

Gosh, I remember reading this on Fantiction.net, it was great! Too bad that website isn't too popular(And for good reason).

Glad to see it's now posted here so others can read it's spectacularness!

Auto Fav and Like initiated :pinkiehappy:

All right! I'm so totally faving this!

Yep I remember this and it was awesome. Rereading!

I love it! Everything about is funny. As. $#@%. :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

Haha, it made me laugh at some parts. It didn't make me burst out laughing (not many things do), but overall a very nice story.

I remember when I first read this.
I give it by dawn before it's in the featured box.

79 - 0 oh my, jsut by the rank imma read this,

This is one of the best pony fics I have ever read. There's too many good lines in it. Best Line: "Oh yeah? Well, Twilight, you’re... you’re purple"

Love it!

I heard it through BrawnyTheOne's adioreading of this.....anther resone not to drink and wright:trollestia::trollestia:

It’s taste is world renowned

Goodness. How did that get missed?

Good evening, good sir.

496360 Thank you for pointing that out. Much appreciated and fixed.

it’s taste is world renowned

There's two of them, sir.

I read this before already, but it's one of those that can just be enjoyed over and over again. :rainbowlaugh:

(Note to self: try to get Twilight drunk in one of personal stories...)

Whee, drunken ponies!

Oh man, this is too funny.:rainbowlaugh:

I gotta ask, is it possible for you to write some sort of sequel? Imagine having the entire Mane 6 get drunk, along with Luna, and have Celestia and Spike try to contain them and keep track of them.

What do ya think?

And now I need you to write a sequel were the princesses manage to get Twilight drunk because this fic was awseome :D:pinkiehappy:

AWESOME! This is my second favorite pony fanfic of all time, and probably your all-time best. I'm glad to see it finally made it here :yay:

Hahaha, I remember this story. Was good then, is great now! :twilightsmile:

Of all the things you've ever written, Pen Stroke, this is my favorite.

Watching Celestia flail around in a drunken rampage, all while Twilight tries desperately to find out just what happened to her mentor, is too hilarious for words. The comedy is really what makes this so wonderful. I also loved how you kept Equestria's prohibition consistent with the rest of the story. Twilight has no idea what alcohol is, never expresses any understanding of any terms related to drunkenness, and actually tries to study the problem like she would in the show.

The ending is also hilarious. A hangover is bad enough, but man, getting turned pink? Too painful.

The only criticism I can offer is that I felt there should have been more Luna. She is the one that sets the whole plot moving, after all. If she hadn't made the moonshine, neither one would have gotten drunk. It's just a shame she spends about half the fic either locked in the library or passed out. I know this was written just before Luna Eclipsed, but I don't mind if she doesn't match perfectly. Having both sisters hopped off their flanks around Ponyville would have been even better.

Still, I love it. Thanks for posting it here. :pinkiehappy:

I remember this from dA! And loved every bit of it!
With your permission, would I be allowed to make a reference to it in a one-shot I'm writing? Otherwise I'll feel guilty that I didn't ask first...


That ending:unsuresweetie:

I remember this! It was hilarious! :rainbowlaugh:

drunk ponies WOOOOOOOOOOO!:pinkiehappy:
seriously though, great story.

Drunk ponies:applejackunsure:...Drunk ponies?:ajbemused:...I think we know what I've been looking for.:ajsmug:I will now read it.:pinkiehappy:

:rainbowlaugh::raritycry::twistnerd::yay::trollestia::pinkiecrazy:This was more win than I imagined. Featured in under three hours, congratulations. And now for the hangover from that drunken emoticon fun::pinkiesick::facehoof::fluttershyouch:

Oh my! I remember this one!

Oh I remember this. :rainbowkiss:

i read this again but in 10 minutes flat :moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache:

Hello firstly i would like to inform you that i am not The Diabolic Gnome i am his younger brother anyway Gnome is currently running up the street drunk yelling something about Princess Luna when he finally sobers up i will get him to change this comment.

496262 It already is! and dawn isn't for a few hours! lol!

A very nice comedic story with all the joys of watching drunks be... DRUNK! And a thumb up for you!

I remember this:twilightsmile:

Its been a while since Ive been properly drunk or even had a hangover. I think its been since last May that I've been drunk.
I need to rectify that soon.:rainbowwild:

Need sequel badly

Hehehe...... The Hangover: Equestria Edition. That would be a perfect sequel.

Hey, 496385, if you're listening, WRITE THE HANGOVER!

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