Luna is on her way to visit Celestia, but hears her squealing for someone to 'stop!'
She walks in on Twilight on top of a red-faced Celestia, and the two of them react like guilty teenagers. Just what the buck is going on here?!
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Oh lawdy
That's very clever. I enjoyed it.
You somehow managed to subvert my expectations twice in under 2000 words. Nice.
Ha ha wat.
It's fun, it's erotic and it's torture all rolled into one. (The act not the story.)
Not badly written though I am surprised you went with Trollight instead of Trollestia. Kind of OOC but interesting.
I r Confus
oh luna
I love how possessively protective Luna is of Twilight. Maybe there's something to be said there.

Words are insufficient.
When I drink I always seem to find myself reading strange stories.

What? I mean...but....
Tickle Monster!
BAH ha ha ha ha!
At first I was
Then I was
Finally I was
Awesome sauce. Great story, full of giggles.
At first I was like

Then I was like
Now I'm like
i dun get it.
A fun read.
Nice feint there! Usually I can pick these gags out before I get there but you managed to fool me between the summary and the beginning part of the story. Well played.
579926 The title says it all!
579255 agreed
Haha, at first I thought you were going to invoke "Incorrect Assumptions" as being our incorrect assumption that there is a reasonable, nonsexual explanation for this.
In other words I was expecting it to actually end up being sex, just to mess with us
I thought so
I swear, the funniest part of the whole fic was Twilight being a troll. I laughed so hard. Also kinda gave it away too for me.
Yeah, I was expecting the double-twist as well.
Lol, Celestia is going to corrupt all of the mane six at this rate lol.
I was thinking something completely different while reading this.
lol isn't sexual assault funny guys hahahaha yeah
secret: it's not
I am I the only one that thought Celestia had a similar reaction to this gif?
methinks troll twilight is going to be a new thing, because that was awesome.
Haha. I can usually figure these things out pretty quickly, but you had me wondering. This was cute. :3
At first I was like
Then I was like
Then finally I was like
Sincerely the Doctor
lol assumptions make fools of us all as luna has learned
I was trying SO HARD to not have my mind latch onto something dirty, and tickling was the only other thing I could tihnk of.
Glad to see I was right.
This is Twilight's meter.
Was having a bad day.

Chanced upon this fic.
I uh...
Was expecting a double twist where after Luna was tickled, she left, and then Twilight trots over, smooches Celestia and says "Now where were we?
Still, this was adorable. Nice job!
581851 Yes, but only from the perspective of those of us who expected the double-twist.
580870 581576
So.. is that a triple-twist? 'Cause, we thought we were supposed to incorrectly assume that it wasn't about sex, so we thought it was sex, but it was actually not sex?
Hahaha, awesome.
581858 You made my comment derp
't this clop?
But it's not sexual assault, it's tickling. It's not endorsing sexual assault, nor is it saying it's funny. All it is doing is using a time honored comedic device; misdirection. The readers are laughing at how it isn't sexual assault, not that it's like sexual assault. I don't know, I'm probably explaining it wrong.
What is this I don't even...
the best
I make everything derp, bro. It's my job.