This story is a sequel to Drop of Moonshine
Sequel to Drop of Moonshine -
Applejack receives an order from Princess Celestia, for a batch of cider prepared with a very special recipe that involves honey, yeast, and time. She's even invited to taste the special cider when it's ready. But, when Rainbow Dash finds out about the special tasting, the three mares soon have a little too much to drink. What shenanigans will unfold and how will Twilight keep a lid on things this time?
Fav'd and upvoted on concept alone, I will read later.
No regrets. This is better than the original. Nice work Pen Stroke.
Now to read.
Oh dear...
Instantly added to faves. This gonna be good. :)
and feature box in 3... 2... 1...
My day has been made.
(Will post a real comment when I have time to read. Needed to leave for work, like... 10 minutes ago!)
YES! Another story from the great Pen Stroke
Pen Stroke story... Sequel to Moonshine...
HOLY #&)"#&=#"¤P&
This was really, really, extremely super duper pinkaliciously good!
Always alcohol. Something in my head just screams: Chug, chug, chug, chug!
Anyway, good as always.
for a second i thought i had posted a new story because of the name, why did i have to think of pen brush for a name when i made my account
Ah, more alcohol-related hijinks. Fun.
Will there be a story in this sequence wherein Twilight finally gets drunk?
Drunk pony is best pony, in fact most drunk things are. Good Celestia isn't a mean drunk.
All my yes!
We need a Celestia & RD Drinking Buddies GIF.
Yay, more drunk ponies, i loved both the stories in this series as they are bucking hillarious. One thing that annoys me though; why dosent celestia become molestia when drunk? It would be funny and perfectly reasonable
For added enjoyment listen to Roger Miller's Chug-aLug,chug-a-lug make sure you get the one sung by R.M.
I fear for the stability of the multiverse if Pinkie Pie ever gets drunk... Discord will have nothing on her!
Although, the irony would probably be that she's an angsty, sorrowful drunk.
And Fluttersy, naturally, will be the angry abusive drunk.
Oh, wonderful, Celestia teaches her little ponies how to get potted. This story is ridiculously funny.
Fav'd and will read later, but knowing Pen Stroke, it'll be excellent.
>>> Applejack grabbed Rainbow Dash by the tail and hauled her off the barrel.
"Why don't you marry that thing if you love it so much? Do you want to marry that thing? WELL I WON'T LET YOU! How does that feel?"
I enjoyed this read. i could actually picture it completely in my head. and it was awesome
This fic pleases me.
I think I like celestia better with a little alcohol in her system. It makes her more fun....
Brilliance. Pure brilliance. Hurray for more drunken shenanigans!
Ok, another important thing to remember if I ever find myself around pastel parts. In Equestria, go to Cellestia for hooch. I'm penning that in right next to "Pinkie Pie- text for the best drugs."
Did somepony say Beer?
Sweet! Right Pinkie?
Right Dashie! This calls for a song!
Why did Princess Luna have to repeal that law?
Actually you could probably get the secrets of the universe out of Celestia while she was drunk -- all the stuff that is too dangerous for anypony to know.
You are best writer. Ever.
More tipsy ponies.
The secret of hard cider has been unleashed.
I'm not sure what to think of this fic and it's partner. It really kind of feels like there's a not very subtle abstinence/temperance-movement message behind them and it's kind of distracting. Like, that if you touch one drop of alcohol you wont be able to stop until you wake with a hangover the next day. It's sufficiently unrealistic that it makes me wonder if Pen Stroke doesn't drink. (I know it's supposed to be comedy, but I find it harder to laugh when I feel like I'm being preached at.)
The effects of alcohol, as with most drugs, are determined as much by the social context (see the book "Observing the English" by the anthropologist Kate Fox). Although to be honest, this fact is well known to anthropologists but (at least according to Fox) nobody ever believes the anthropologists when they try and explain this. Applejack and Rainbow so it was a surprise to see them act in a similar way as Celestia.
All it all, I have very mixed feeling about this fic.
Edit: By which I mean, obviously you can't have a story where everypony drinks responsibly, because that's not a story. And I'm afraid don't have anything specific that I can think of that would improve matters while maintaining the same premise. Just that everything felt a little off.
Edit the second: I think I still liked this one better than the first. Especially the early bits. I could practically feel that cold air outside and the warmth of that hot chocolate.
3 drunk ponies and a sober Twi in the middle of the night wrecking havoc? Genius!
You need to make a sequel where Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie get drunken.
Seriously, try to imagine Pinkie Pie drunken. The Fourth Wall won't protect us anymore.
1338666 dude here too God I'm seeing you everywhere
Good lord, Celestia really likes booze doesn't she?
Imagine an episode like this.
FCC, eat your heart out!
Drunk ponies are funny, and sometimes sad ponies. This was definitely funny!
That...was...AWESOME! It was even better than the first one!
Fluttershy demands MOAR!!!
It looks like Dashie had too much...
*takes off sunglasses*
Colt 45
Celestia is best drunk.
this is now canon
Alcoholicorn is best princess.
I drank a glass of cider while reading this.
It was awesome.
Really funny!
“I am not a frilly filly! I am Princess Celestia. I am… I am the Solaria Invicta. I am Princess Celestia Solaria Invicta, Princess Celestia the Unconquerable Sun. It was my sister and I who conquered Discord for the first time. It was my sister and I who… did a bunch of other stuff!”
So.... Exalted much?