• Member Since 6th Nov, 2011
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Pen Stroke

A fan-fiction author and game programmer that lives in Glendale, CA.


5 contributions to the Ponyville Ciderfest 2023 Storytelling Adventure App AKA 5 tales from the Book of All Stories.

For those who don't know: The Ponyville Ciderfest Storytelling Adventure was an interactive story that ran throughout the 3-day convention in 2023. An "Alternate Reality Game" that involved actors, events, quests, and an interactive app that contained dozens upon dozens of bite-sized stories. These stories were unlocked using code words hidden around the convention, and each one offered multiple endings that would contribute pages from the Book of All Stories to one of three factions.

It was an honor to participate in the event, even though I could not attend the convention myself. The five stories below are my contributions, with their code words and all possible endings. Each story will have a brief description at the top, and the endings will be separated into separate chapters for a true CYOA experience.

I hope you enjoy these few scattered pages.

Chapters (17)

A mix of strange circumstances means that Gilda and Gallus are not spending the holidays in Griffonstone
"enjoying," or rather surviving, the Blue Moon Festival. Instead, they are in Equestria for Hearth's Warming. Can Gilda put her griffon grump aside to enjoy a more wholesome holiday? Maybe she can with Gallus's help.

Written for Teofilo for Jinglemas 2023

At Teofilio's request, Gilda and Gallus are step-siblings in this story.

Chapters (1)

Limestone Pie is having her first Hearth's Warming away from home, meeting the parents of her marefriend, Spitfire. Still, with both mares known for their fearsome bellows and commanding personalities, chances of a quiet holiday are rather slim.

Written for Short-tale for Jinglemas 2022

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer returns to Equestria to enjoy a traditional Hearth's Warming Party, and happens to meet a rather charming stallion named Sunburst. However, when Stellar Flare sees the pair, she makes a dramatic revelation. One that injects uncertainty and awkwardness into what was such a pleasant evening.

Written for Shakespearicles for Jinglemas 2021

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Canterlot Has Fallen

Time marches forward in Equestria, and yet the allure of "what if?" remains. Twilight wonders about the "what ifs" as she tries to guide Equestria to a bright and prosperous future. Cadance wonders about the "what ifs" as she sees her daughter growing.

The power of "what if" tempts once again, but are the little ponies really ready for the answers?

Pre-read & Edited by: Illustrious Q & El Oso
Cover art by: SpokenMind93

Celebrating the 10 year anniversary of Past Sins! Thank you all so much for letting me and my stories be part of the community!

Chapters (6)

Rarity and Discord are sent on a mission by the friendship map during the holiday season. Can they save Hearth's Warming for these Manehatten fans of the punk aesthetic, or will they only cause more chaos.

It's probably going to be a little bit of both.

This was written for Lil Biscuit as a part of Jinglemas 2020! For more information about Jinglemas, checkout our group!

Chapters (1)

A popularity poll in a magazine sparks a contest of virtues between Equestria's four princesses. Celestia, Luna, Cadance, and Twilight all come together to compete and determine who is truly deserving of the title "best princess."

Preread, Edited, and Reviewed By
Illustrious Q, El Oso

Written for the Mid-Summer Follow Appreciation Lottery Winner - Black Hoof

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Glimpses

It was supposed to be a simple day for Shining Armor. Take his daughter, Flurry Heart, and niece, Nyx, out to run some errands while his sister and wife handle preparations surrounding the Festival of Friendship. It was supposed to be a day of fun, relaxing activity. Yet, after the arrival of an invading army, the day would be anything but pleasant.

Can Shining rally the defenders of Canterlot to oppose Commander Tempest, if only to ensure he, Flurry Heart, and Nyx can escape? Or are they doomed to be captured and possibly turned to stone? 

No matter what happens, it’s a day neither Shining Armor nor Tempest Shadow will ever forget.

Preread, Edited, and Reviewed By
Illustrious Q, Level Dasher, & El Oso,

Written for the Valentines 2020 Follower Appreciation Lottory Winner - Brony Writer

Chapters (1)

Sunset was expecting Princess Twilight Sparkle to be the one to come through the portal on a day when the holidays line up between the two worlds. Instead, her care package of Equestrian Hearth's Warming decorations is brought over by a student from the school of friendship, Gallus.

This unexpected encounter will lead to a holiday lesson that resonates with both of them.

Written for Jinglemas 2019 [Run by the Jinglemas Group]
Written for Wanderer D

Chapters (1)

For a Crystal Empire tradition, Rarity helps Twilight learn The Winter Wind Waltz. Yet, as the pair dance together, Rarity begins feeling something new. Is this the beginning of the fairy tale Rarity has always dreamed of?

Jinglemas 2018 story that was written for Monochromatic, an unstoppable juggernaut of RariTwi shipping.

Chapters (1)