• Member Since 24th Apr, 2012
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Using "x/0" in real life. · 10:18pm Sep 30th, 2013

So you have a deck of 100 cards. You, for whatever reason, want to distribute these cards equally among the players of a card game. The thing is, there are no players (existent or otherwise) and you yourself are not planning on playing. What is the number of cards you distribute to each player?

WELL, since there are no players, you can't distribute any cards thus 0 cards are distributed to each player because there are none to be distributed to.

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Report CuriousCurse · 492 views ·
Comments ( 57 )
  • Viewing 53 - 57 of 57

Fuck you pedo🫡

Thanks for the follow! :yay:

It's less that they happened and more that there was too many of them with only minor events or bits of information. Condense them together a little and make them a bit less frequent/more impactful to character progression each and they likely would have been fine.

Haha, you’re not the first to have that opinion on Cloud Blazer... I will say that I have learned from that and so far am avoiding hospital scenes and dream sequences in new stories. :pinkiehappy:

I'll be sure to look them up. Really glad there are still some writers of your type that aren't afaid to go from main character to main character in a series of arcs.

I will say that sadly my least favorite arc was cloud blazer's hospital time. The number of dreams all kind of saying the same thing and the slow progress was a bit irritating but it did benefit from other arcs all chugging along at a steady pace breaking up the monotony there. It may be just personal preference there but I wish the challenge there was less just waiting to get better. Not to say it was horrible, but i did feel like I was just sort of waiting for him to finally start doing something about his situation. It was fairly realistic though as recovering from such extensive injuries takes months on end but it tended to bring the pacing to a crawl at times.

The relationship between him and pixyglitter later on was interesting though and it did well to make them more enjoyable to read about.

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