• Member Since 14th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Dec 26th, 2017

Another Army Brony

One of the few Bronies in the Army, I decided to try my hand at writing down my ideas. It's been over 4 years now, and I found that I enjoy this.

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Seeking help is a Strength... I've had to do it before, too. · 11:04am Feb 15th, 2013

I mean everything I say here. If you need help, please seek it. If you want someone to talk to, by all means, send me an email. I'm a friendly guy and I've got nothing but time for those in need.

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Comments ( 61 )
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I'm trying to make my way back into the light these days, but thank you for the encouragement

I'm working on a triumphant return, but so far it's slow going.

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Revision Status of A Dream That Wasn't:

Chapter 1: Revised
Chapter 2: Revised
Chapter 3: Revised
Chapter 4: Revised
Chapter 5: Revised
Chapter 6: Revised
Chapter 7: Revised
Chapter 8: Revised
Chapter 9: Revised
Chapter 10: Revised
Chapter 11: Revised
Chapter 12: Revised
Chapter 13: Revised
Chapter 14: Revised
Chapter 15: Revised
Chapter 16: Revised
Chapter 17: Revised
Chapter 18: Revised
Chapter 19: In Progress :twilightsmile:
Chapter 20: Pending
Chapter 21: Pending
Chapter 22: Pending