Other than a Cybertronian writing utensil, I am an avid brony that is partial to writing novice-level stories whenever an idea pops into my head, whether I like it, or not. It's mostly the latter.
D=S-MTwilight Sparkle’s world crashes around her as everything she once believed in, crumbles to dust. Does she rise above it to fill in the shoes of her mentor? Or does she allow it to bring her low…by MegatronsPen
37,543 words
· 543 · 46
Silver KissesCheerilee finds love from an unexpected source from a past student.by MegatronsPen
4,944 words
· 100 · 4
Chasing TwilightTwilight is a royal princess of Equestria, an' Ah'm jus' some farm pony... So why have Ah fallen for somepony so far outta my reach? Will Ah ever reach her heart? Ah'm not so sure. But Ah have't try.by MegatronsPen
11,327 words
· 200 · 18
Twilight Sparkle’s world crashes around her as everything she once believed in, crumbles to dust. Does she rise above it to fill in the shoes of her mentor? Or does she allow it to bring her low…
The story continues several weeks after the Rainbooms’ crushing victory over the Dazzlings at the Battle of the Bands, with an emotionally ambivalent Sunset Shimmer uncertain on what to feel about her brief and yet heated affair with Adagio Dazzle.
Scar, having somehow escaped from the very moment of his death, finds himself in Equestria. Unfortunately for him, being stuck in a strange new world comes at a price and he can only hope something... or somepony can change him back to normal.
Twilight is a royal princess of Equestria, an' Ah'm jus' some farm pony... So why have Ah fallen for somepony so far outta my reach? Will Ah ever reach her heart? Ah'm not so sure. But Ah have't try.
AsylumWhen Twilight Sparkle went to bed, she had friends she loved and a life she enjoyed. But she awoke to hospital gowns and padded restraints. And the doctors, they keep telling her that she is sick and none of it was real. They’re lying, right?by Daemon of Decay
191,184 words
· 4,949 · 121
GwenwynFluttershy takes euthanasia a little too far...by BronyWriter
19,961 words
· 507 · 28
A Shadow Hangs OverheadWhat would have happened in The Secret Life of Rarity had Rarity not become a serial killer.by BronyWriter
84,115 words
· 880 · 40
3382728 J'espère oui !! Une de ses histoires non terminée ma beaucoup touché et même si l'idée qu'elle ne soit jamais finit me rend triste, je trouve ça encore plus triste de ne pas savoir si l'auteur va bien 😭
I don't think we'll ever be able to talk to him again. He deleted his Discord and he never gave me his number. Maybe he'll remember this once and log back on just to see the messages we left him, huh?
Checked in again. Still thinking of you, you dickhead.
Checked in again. Damn.
J'espère oui !!
Une de ses histoires non terminée ma beaucoup touché et même si l'idée qu'elle ne soit jamais finit me rend triste, je trouve ça encore plus triste de ne pas savoir si l'auteur va bien 😭
I don't think we'll ever be able to talk to him again. He deleted his Discord and he never gave me his number. Maybe he'll remember this once and log back on just to see the messages we left him, huh?