• Member Since 10th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 28th, 2023


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Season 5 Premiere (No Spoilers?) · 10:14pm Apr 5th, 2015

I thought this was personally one of my favorite episodes (I watched them on youtube as one big episode)!

I wouldn't say it's my favorite of all time considering how EPIC the Tirek episode was, but the tense and straight up uncomfortable atmosphere was really good. The overall feeling reminded me of something like the book 1984 (Which creeps me out even more).

Report sniper125 · 431 views ·

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Comments ( 149 )
  • Viewing 145 - 149 of 149

Been a while since someone has commented on your page. I'm gonna fix that. :twilightsmile:


1193737 Ok then O.o Have a nice day. Period.

  • Viewing 145 - 149 of 149
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