• Member Since 21st Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen May 30th, 2014

Sergeant Sprinkles

Impersonation account


I won't be around much longer · 2:03pm May 3rd, 2014

This is a news post for my fans...

Soon it'll appear as if I've dropped off the face of the planet, but no worries I will be back. My work schedule is going to keep me extremely busy for the next few months with little time to do anything else. I'm going to try and finish Cupcakes Forever (title still a work in progress) before any of this comes down on top of me, but I'm making no gaurantees.

Thanks for your continued support,

The Sarge

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Comments ( 216 )
  • Viewing 212 - 216 of 216

I just love irony that's all, and to be honest I didn't expect you expected to reply, Peace?

Dude, do you know how long ago I wrote this?

I know why he wrote it, I was a stupid fucking kid when I wrote this, I don't give a shit anymore

Even though I know it's not the real one I can't help but comment, you who is upset about stories that contain violence so in order to solve that problem you're willing to commit real world violence, can you not see why people might think you're the bad guy here

Dont actually care, cupcakes and rainbow factory kinda sucked, id rather read sweet apple massacre anyfay.

  • Viewing 212 - 216 of 216
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