• Member Since 11th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen Yesterday


"To become who you are meant to be. You must first accept your flaws, then make them into your strengths; only then, can you fully be who you are meant to be"

Who is Mr. Flare

Cromegas_Flare is an Author, Reviewer, Writing Major, and User on Fimfic who just hangs around. There is no telling what he might do next. If any user in need is searching for help, whether it be, getting Ideas or Taking down a wanted user by using his Hitman skills... Mr. Flare is your man/Brony.

New Story: 15

Chapter 1

Progress Bar from: L3Moon on Deviant Art

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The Pleasant Commentator and Review Group: My Continued Legacy

The Pleasant Commentator and Review Group (PCRG) is a group dedicated to reviewing stories. A group which prides itself in detailed reviews that not only catch the readers attention, but also help the Author get better in what they do best. Writing!


New Projects, but going slow, but might go faster. · 3:06am March 24th

So... I'm kinda in the shadows right now. However, I am trying to log on a bit more frequently and see what's going on.

I am currently working an a story. Multi chapter, and I'll start posting it once I have some decent progress on it.

If you have yet to be introduced to Cultivation fantasy, you're in for a treat. It is going to be light, so the focus won't be on the progression, but more on the political points of the new society.

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Report Cromegas_Flare · 49 views ·

Alts · 11:50pm May 27th, 2014

Report Cromegas_Flare · 1,648 views ·
Comments ( 326 )
  • Viewing 322 - 326 of 326

I like it. It holds a lot of truth and gives people much to think about.

It's wisdom from my dad. I just added my own words to it.

"To become who you are meant to be. You must first accept your flaws, then make them into your strengths; only then, can you fully be who you are meant to be"

Where did you get this? It feels familiar...

You're welcome, and thank you.

Thank you for adding Ciphers to your library.

More importantly though, I am sorry for the loss of your friend. *sends hugs and well wishes*

  • Viewing 322 - 326 of 326
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