On the Seventh Day · 1:00am Nov 3rd, 2014
I'd like to apologize again for the long LONG wait but I've finally done it! I have successfully defended my dissertation before my Graduate Committee, meaning I have completed my PH.D. in Physics! I'm a doctor now!
Someone decided to write to continue Whiteout without you.
I don't know if you were aware of their posting, or if this person had asked for permission before starting. But in the event that you weren't and they hadn't, I wanted you to know what was going on.
you gonna update fetch? i been waiting to read more
2319462 hey, trying is good enough for me. You'll get them done sometime, I'm sure. Not anytime soon but they'll be done.
The short answer is i want to finish them. The complication is that my job has uprooted my schedule enough that i havent been able to get a good writing zone. I cant promise anything except that i am going to keep trying. These stories arent finished yet.
Do you still write here? Is it really worth me getting into one of your fics, with a risk of no completion?