I'm back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! · 6:05am Sep 16th, 2016
Okay, I've been gone for a while because of reasons, but lately I've been working on an important project, I've been writing an original story that I plan adapting into a comic book series. It's really quite good, I can provide links if anyone wants to read the few chapters I have. Anyway, I'm going to write one more after the one I'm in the middle of now and then I will be coming back here to blitz through chapter after chapter like never before! It'll be awesome I promise, my writing has
Maxxxxxx will you be back to writing soon.
Hope she's okay D:
Hi there, I've noticed that you have not updated "the exile" I do hope this story isn't dead, please continue when you have the chance.
>>maxxxxxx ok, then im in for reading
Get well soon
1985304 I have a lot of health problems and I've been very sick for a while, I've been feeling a little better lately but that doesn't usually last, if I'm still feeling well in the next few day, I will try to update. Though, I have not abandoned any of my stories, my condition has just made me put them on indefinite hold. If I'm well enough to continue, I will do it though.