• Member Since 12th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen May 20th, 2023


Stories in the queue.


I am sorry 3 · 1:17am Oct 18th, 2019

I am okay. I have eaten, I have had water...I still feel terrible from going without for as long as I did. I...do not feel like I survived. More like I just failed to die.

I am sorry for making all one of you worried...

Report Hexy · 302 views ·

Stories in progress

Comments ( 341 )
  • Viewing 327 - 341 of 341

Thanks for the library add, I hope you enjoy the story

Comment posted by XanthiasDeathBlow deleted Sep 2nd, 2019

2054869 Just some picture I found on DeviantArt, hehe.

hey, whats the new avatar from? It's pretty cool.

♪ Happy happy birthdaaaay to youuuu! ♫

*Scratches behind ears.*

1577449 Well, if you ever want to talk to someone about it, I'd be totally willing to listen! Either way, best of luck!

1577337 They're starting to, I think, but the nature of it means that it can happen again at any moment without warning, and the threat can last for a very long time. But it's a fight I'm devoted to, and I refuse to see defeat.

1576244 Sorry to hear that. I hope things even out and get a little better!

1575981 Merry Christmas to you too. Sadly for me, I'm not having the best of times lately. Sure, it's had some really great moments, but it's an unstable roller coaster. Within the last 72 hours, I've been manically giddy, reduced to a trembling, sniveling mess, and been up and down everywhere in between.

1575858 Doing pretty good. I published my first real fic (although it got rejected because meta :ajbemused:) and my life has generally not been going to complete shit. Also, Merry Christmas!

1575802 Why yes it has. How are you?

  • Viewing 327 - 341 of 341
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