• Member Since 19th May, 2013
  • offline last seen 53 minutes ago


"You will be EXTERMINATED: With Lemons!"


New Fanfic reading · 9:50pm Mar 2nd, 2019

Hey one and all. My most recent horror story, Horror at Dusk, has just been turned into an audio drama with a fully voiced cast by the talented Sparrow9642.

You can listen to it Here

Report MrNelg · 300 views · Story: Horror at Dusk · #audio reading

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Comments ( 29 )
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Thanks for the favorite! :pinkiehappy:

May the Lord Jesus save you, and guide, protect, and watch over you :twilightsmile:

Thanks for favouriteing Teething Troubles, glad you enjoyed! :trollestia:

Just get drunk before you write. That advice is really helping me get through college lol.

Don't worry, I haven't been offended by anything you've said. I just wish I could get back to typing again. My major stumbling block is motivation. I sit down at my computer and nothing comes out.

Still, thanks for the reassurance.

  • Viewing 25 - 29 of 29
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New Fanfic reading · 9:50pm Mar 2nd, 2019

Hey one and all. My most recent horror story, Horror at Dusk, has just been turned into an audio drama with a fully voiced cast by the talented Sparrow9642.

You can listen to it Here

Report MrNelg · 300 views · Story: Horror at Dusk · #audio reading