• Member Since 1st Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Apr 16th, 2015



City of Shadows Prequel... · 12:16am Apr 16th, 2015

Hey folks, NintendoGal55 here.

Well, in my attempt to submit City of Beginnings, they rejected it because of the fact that it seems to fail resembling an MLP fanfic. If they just changed around a few things, yeah, obviously it would seem less like one. :< Well, that was our bad. XP Oopsie... They’re not wrong, it kind of is like that, isn’t it?

Again, oops.

However, that doesn't mean you will go without seeing it! The story is on Google Docs, all finished, and ready for viewing!

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Flutterdash? :pinkiecrazy:
ima read all yo stories in one night now!

Something tells me this'll be great

Lurkmode, initiated.

FLUTERDASH!! WOOOO!! :yay::rainbowkiss:

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