• Member Since 30th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen March 22nd

midnight rose


Comments ( 24 )
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ive only ever done small amounts of editing fanfiction and the occasional light novel translation in my spare time pretty sure its sombody else but i do share this account with a friend but they rarely use it

This story:

TVoices in My Head Resurrection
Pinkie Pie has always been the most social pony, but a it's a little known fact that she has issues. Never mind, everyone knows that. But its more severe then everyone thinks.
firebirdabirdoffire · 20k words  ·  48  2 · 2.9k views

It says that it was resurrected from "deletion limbo." It says that the original author was ponyofawesome92, and said that the author was now Midnight Rose, which is you. Are you a different Midnight Rose?

i think your mistaken

You're the original author of Voices in my Head!

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