• Member Since 4th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Jan 22nd, 2024


I am a certified human being, no matter what anyone says about my eating habits.

dat fic


writing a really long chapter · 12:46pm Mar 8th, 2017

things will happen, lots of things

I'm really excited. it's gonna take a while though. I wanna have her spend more significant time at her stop, but also something to move the plot will happen. If it's less than 6000 words I failed somehow.

Report SlashopentheSky · 367 views · Story: Gleam ·

Songs everyone should hear (in my opinion)

Comments ( 29 )
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When will you return (like moving backwards through hallwa—)?

hey, come back!

i miss talking to you

Thank you for favouriting It Doesn't Matter Now! :twilightsmile:

Refresh my memory-who are you?

Then would you like to help proofread?

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Hello fellow creatures!

Slash open the sky
And peer into space
Universe swirling in wonderful grace
But we gave up the sun, the glorious light
And we gave up the moon
The glory of night
Swirls make me dizzy
Swirls make me sad
Swirls to remind me of what we once had
Slashed open the sky on that fateful day
Too late to change it, now it's always that way~
And that's where I got my username from. Yay for depressing poetry.
My name is Jasper... or at least that is one of my names. I am a mediocre writer that wants to be the best. I'll accept any tips. I'm mentally unstable, but not too much.