• Member Since 9th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen May 11th, 2018


I play too many video games.

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05. Anyone still out there? · 7:27pm Jul 16th, 2015

What's up guys? Been a while, hasn't it. Not even sure if I'm reaching anyone with this, but I'm alive and well. Maybe not too well right now, but I'm definitely alive, so that's great. I'm not even sure my followers recognize me outside of a vague memory, but I'm that guy who wrote Croitre, Taken in Stride and Make it Two. Very old stories from me from a very long time ago, and if you liked those, you're really going to like what I've got soon :p

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Report Recon · 416 views · Story: Croitre · #recon #is #back
Comments ( 2 )
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Real nice stories, dude. Keep up the awesome work! :pinkiehappy:

Hey you should think about joining ma group. I say this for no other reason then I'm bored....keep readin' :eeyup:

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