Growing PainsAction-Adventure with Romance and a hint of Horror, features all the Mane Six and some Backgroundersby Peroth E
375,589 words
· 806 · 42
We'll Keep In TouchLeft only with a promise to keep in touch, Rainbow Dash struggles to convey her feelings, and to figure out what the words were that she couldn't say on that one last misty night at the train station before Twilight Soundslikeponies
9,482 words
· 1,039 · 27
AllegrezzaVinyl and Octavia have some Gravekeeper
47,565 words
· 3,362 · 63
Thanks for the watch! I will eventually start writing again so you've got that to look forward to!
1367979 I am a chronic TwiDasher, it was only a matter of time before I read it (and liked it).
Thanks for the Fave on Bird's Eye View. I appreciate the support.

1194726 It's adorable, and as my avatar clearly states, I love me some TwiDash.
Thank you for the fav of The Date!