• Member Since 1st Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen Oct 25th, 2018


Hello! You might know me from Youtube or Fanfiction.net. I am a 19 year old woman, who loves parties, studying, and apples. My main OCs are Lemon-Lime, Celery Stalks, and Pink Sprinkles.


Baby/Recovery · 2:18am Mar 9th, 2014

Well, it was three months being feed by a tube and bedridden, but I'm better. I even have wonderful news! My baby had another baby behind it! I now am four months pregnant with a son and a daughter. I am still weak, but I will be off and on.

I hope this makes people worry less about me,

Report PinkLemonLimeSprinkles · 529 views ·

Sicky · 11:48pm Feb 22nd, 2014

Bad News. My second pregnancy malfunctioned, and I'm extremely sick. I just got out of the hospital, but I still feel sick.

Report PinkLemonLimeSprinkles · 353 views ·

The Married Life · 2:47pm Feb 5th, 2014

Some of you may have heard about how my first-ever child died inside of me because of an accident. Well, three weeks after the accident, I got married. I'm happy with my marriage, as I've been waiting for it for three years because of college. My big day was great. My dress was a silk aqua because a white dress would have gotten lost in the snow. The wedding was outside, but there were several heaters, and the flowers were air-tight. It was even more happy because of yesterday.

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Bad News..... · 4:01am Jan 20th, 2014

I have gone for quite some time.....because I miscarried. It all started when I went to the mall. I was buying something nice for my fiancé, because his birthday was coming up. As came up the escalator, someone who was in a rush ran down the wrong escalator, and shoved me. This mall had a big height, so I fell about 8 feet. I landed on a glass table, and cut myself badly. I had landed on my stomach. The next day, I went to the doctor, and he said that he could no longer here the baby's

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Report PinkLemonLimeSprinkles · 420 views ·

Pregnancy · 5:28pm Dec 22nd, 2013

Yup! It's true! PinkLemonLimeSprinkles is having a baby! I'm about 2 months along now, and the gender is female! My fiancé and I are SO happy! Now, I have some baby names!

Melody Christina

Anna Christina

Audrey Christina

Leah Christina

Please, vote! I mean, I love them all, and my fiancé agreed we should let YOU all decide! Thank You for sharing this happy moment with me!

Report PinkLemonLimeSprinkles · 419 views ·

Story Questions! · 10:49pm Dec 16th, 2013

hello, Everyone! I decided that maybe you guys want to ask questions about my stories! I'm all ears!

Report PinkLemonLimeSprinkles · 265 views ·

Candytip/Candystar · 2:14am Nov 7th, 2013

Hello, everyone! My friend, MarioKartIsEpic/Candytip/Candystar was hacked. All of her stuff is gone! If you followed her before, please follow her again! That is all.

Report PinkLemonLimeSprinkles · 298 views ·