• Member Since 6th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 2nd, 2012

Laurence Brown


Update 8/17 · 10:41am Aug 17th, 2012

Hello everyone! Just a quick note to let you know what's going on with me. Real Life has been a hectic blur for me as of late. Last week my car died, which put me in a bit of a squeeze until I finally got my new one, and this weekend will be occupied with me helping out my parents with their garage sale (and not going to Everfree NW, although with how tight my money situation is now after buying a car, it's probably a good thing I did not head across the state to attend). So, with all of that

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Comments ( 13 )
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Year 11 already started...

One day...

Like Bulbasaur said we'll be here to read you again...

A year...

Good luck with whatever and wherever you are now... and don't forget about us :ajsmug:

  • Viewing 9 - 13 of 13
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