• Member Since 15th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen June 10th


I read and sometimes edit stories. Little burned out though.


I tried writing something... · 3:15am Sep 19th, 2015

... and I did art instead. Sorry to all of you that have computers that run browsers... I probably kept these a little too big.

I think this is Luna... not sure.

This is probably Cadance Celestia.

I know this Cadance looks like a stallion, so I did some work to try and fix it.

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Report Fourpony · 747 views ·

Ways to Annoy Me

Steam: Fourpony
DeviantArt: Fourpony

If you wish to add me on Steam, just leave a comment on my page so I know who you are.

Comments ( 607 )
  • Viewing 603 - 607 of 607

Been getting around to looking at my comments closer, and after reading yours, I reread my chapters again to check for repetition, removed some, but still working at it. Thanks for pointing it out, though! :) Have a follow for that :3

If you're wondering where one of my stories went, check my blog post.

Who isn't a Luna fan?

Well you seemed to be in a lot of comments to stories I liked, so I thought you would be good to follow. Besides, your icon is gorgeous, as i'm a Luna fan... ^^

  • Viewing 603 - 607 of 607
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Stuff I am Currently Editing.

Not sure where AJ is, though I think she might be the ash...