• Member Since 16th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen May 30th, 2017



Update · 4:50pm May 14th, 2017

Hey guys and gals,

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Report Nadake · 1,543 views · Story: Her Mother's Daughter ·

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Comments ( 56 )
  • Viewing 52 - 56 of 56

I hope you’re doing ok

I hope everyting is going well for you, can't wait to read more of your stories ^-^

Um hey everthing going ok?

so while i do hope a mother daughter with stay active i am fine waiting a while for it take all the time you need


Welcome back to the world of writing. Got an advanced notice from a mutual friend (Four) and I'm glad to see progress being made once again. Glad that you found that spark and are figuring things out, Nadake.

  • Viewing 52 - 56 of 56
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