• Member Since 13th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen June 8th


Status: Not here any more

My average attempts at art:

"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life." -Berthold Auerbach

Comments ( 10 )
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welcome to the Airsoft Bronies. if you have any questions just ask and be sure to read the rules and tell your friends about this group :twilightsmile: thank you

Comment posted by theairsoftbrony deleted Dec 8th, 2013

How anti-climactic. I thought I'd followed you already, but apparently not. Fixed!

599870 Yep, it is absolutely the same with me. Lately though, I have actually been writing a "side chapter" for someone else's story, and it's taken me a lot of effort and time, and I am very nearly done with it. He'll be posting it on his own account with my name on it, which is fine with me, but it means that it won't be published on my account (so I'll simply blog about it when it's finally published). Once I'm finally done with it, I can go back to writing my own stories. :yay:

BTW, since you like Xenophilia, I'd recommend Divided Rainbow, which is an excellent side story (assuming you haven't already read it).

I'm looking forward to seeing your work in the near future.


598752 Yeah, I've seen some of your comments (which I always enjoy) on different stories. As for me going out and writing something, I have a few things in the works. Just haven't been able to finish anything I've started. From what I can gather, it's the same way for you.

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