• Member Since 11th Aug, 2011
  • offline last seen Dec 21st, 2020


I love MLP: FiM!!


Raing Truths 0.o how did this happen? · 1:27pm Jun 23rd, 2012

I am so surprised with how well this was received! makes me very happy and thank you all for commenting with the constructive criticism and praise. To put it in context i wrote this in about 3 hrs after an 8 hour shift at work at 7 in the morning, working nights rocks but sleep deprivation isnt best for fic writing but i was inspired so i just went with it. Also on the grammar and spelling i tried my best to catch them but I didn't have anyone edit it because it was just a quick one-shot about

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Hey you should think about joining ma group:rainbowdetermined2:
keep writin' and readin':eeyup:

Thanks for the favorite on Post Nuptials!

Well, time to start watchin' this guy, I guess.
Between verbal reads and that story you're allegedly gonna post, why not? :twilightsheepish:

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