• Member Since 12th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Dec 10th, 2013

Star Dust


Hey im actualy wrting a story!!!! and i need a proof reader · 10:52pm Mar 1st, 2012

so yeah after a long time on fim fiction i have decided to start writing, but i need a proof reader and so i call onto whoever is reading if you or someone you know a good proof reader message me, thank you

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Ya know what I love? I love going around thanking people for Faving my stories, just like you did with Children of a Lesser Dragon God Boy Whelp Thingy Guy! It feels good... it feels real good!:twilightsmile:

Thank you for favoring A minor variation:ajsmug:

When I pretend everything is what I want it to be
I look exactly like what you had always wanted to see
When I pretend, I cant forget about the criminal I am
Stealing second after second just cause I know I can but
I cant pretend this is the way itll stay Im just
(trying to bend the truth)
I cant pretend Im who you want me to be, so Im

(Lying my way from you)
No no turning back now
(I wanna be pushed aside so let me go)
No no turning back now
(Let me take back my life,Id rather be all alone)
No turning back now
(Anywhere on my own cause I can see)
No no turning back now
(The very worst part of you is me)

I remember what they taught to me
Remember condescending talk of who I ought to be
Remember listening to all of that and this again
So I pretended up a person who was fittin in
And now you think this person really is me and Im
(Trying to bend the truth)
But the more I push the more I'm pulling away 'cause I'm

(Lying my way from you)
No no turning back now
(I wanna be pushed aside so let me go)
No no turning back now
(Let me take back my life Id rather be all alone)
No turning back now
(Anywhere on my own cause I can see)
No no turning back now
(The very worst part of you)
(The very worst part of you is ME)

This isnt what I wanted to be, I never thought that what I said would
have you running from me
Like This
This isnt what I wanted to be, I never thought that what I said would
have you running from me
Like This
This isnt what I wanted to be, I never thought that what I said would
have you running from me
Like This
This isnt what I wanted to be, I never thought that what I said would
have you running from me
Like This

No turning back now
(I wanna be pushed aside so let me go)
No no turning back now
(Let me take back my life Id rather be all alone)
No turning back now
(Anywhere on my own cause I can see)
No no turning back now
(The very worst part of you)
(The very worst part of you is me):pinkiecrazy:

You've been here a while, but here's a welcome anyway!

Welcome welcome welcome! A fine welcome to you!
Welcome welcome welcome! I say, how do you do?
Welcome welcome welcome to a choice you won't regret!
Welcome welcome welcome to FIMFiction.net!
Thanks for following me! :yay:It means a lot to me and I hope my stories continue to entertain you in some way. :twilightsmile:

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