• Member Since 13th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Jan 28th, 2016

You Shall Not Pass

I say, "My Diminutive Equine, Camaraderie is Enchantment" is a smashing show!


I am a Lazy Bastard – Pony Role-Playing · 6:40am Jun 10th, 2012

What it says on the title. So what have I been doing instead of writing fanfiction, which I really ought to get back to doing, by the way? Online forum pony role-playing!

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I find it funny how your user name is 'You Shall Not Pass' but your photo id is a cute Derpy. 10 out of 10

O wondrous creator of a thousand groups, spare a moment for your your most reliable servant.

In your most exclusive and high-end group "Pony Warfare", exactly how much warfare must a story contain to be... considered appropriate for the group? You see, this fall I will together with another author do a series of fanfics centering around the history of Equestria. Some of them will contain warfare, although none of them are fully warfare-centric.

If you wonder why I don't ask on the group page, it is because I am not a member and do not intend to become one until I have something to contribute to it.

I made a group banner for Octavia Fans

If you want to use it, copy the image location and go to your group list and then click on edit and in display options paste it on 'Banner'

once again, my heart has exploded to the cuteness of ones avatar, at this rate I'll die in two years. :fluttercry: so beautiful yours is

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