• Member Since 25th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 3rd, 2014

Grand Machina


Happy Thanksgiving · 12:23am Nov 29th, 2013

Man, I come here first time today, and I say you all over here and there hanging with you families and friends, man, I salute you.

Report Grand Machina · 334 views ·

A Piece of Art

It was drawn by me.

Comments ( 14 )
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A new group dedicated to glorious Communism has come. Spread the word and join our herd:twilightblush:


Thanks for the watch! Please keep writing :twilightsmile:

646049Yes, I am you you are me so are all of my brothers for you are Alpharius, I am Alpharius, we are Alpharius

I am thou, thou art I. Dost thou believe it?


I'm following you :pinkiecrazy:

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Happy Thanksgiving · 12:23am Nov 29th, 2013

Man, I come here first time today, and I say you all over here and there hanging with you families and friends, man, I salute you.

Report Grand Machina · 334 views ·

Happy Thanksgiving · 12:23am Nov 29th, 2013

Man, I come here first time today, and I say you all over here and there hanging with you families and friends, man, I salute you.

Report Grand Machina · 334 views ·