• Member Since 27th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen Oct 23rd, 2014

I love you Dashie

Let's see....I don't know what you guys want to know, but I love writing stories. I hope the amount of love I have for reading these stories is as much as how much I put into writing them


The story I'm going to be working on... · 8:48am May 8th, 2014

"The New Wave" featuring an OC of mine. An epic to be exact. The first three chapters will be released by June 12th. See you then :raritywink:
Who knows, maybe I'll be hard working this month and work on some old stories!

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Just curious, why was this user banned?

I pressed the illuminati button. Whatever that does.


Hullo! :rainbowkiss: I'm not sure if you still remember me, but I remember we used to talk a bunch a while back (almost a year :twilightsheepish: ). Anyways, just wanted to drop by and say hello! :3

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