A Bit About Eternal Aviator
1. I like airplanes
2. I'm Jewish Yay moneyz! and while that was just the religion I was born into I'm very much against the idea of religion as a whole
3. I have an extreme fascination with technology
4. I've come up with ideas for inventions and put them on Google Docs, never to be seen
5. My future goal in life is engineering, preferably in the military or a military connected corporation such as Boeing, Boston Dynamics, or General Electric
6. I had a baby Cockatiel named Max, he was so adorable
7. I'm a literal faggot and I'm fucking happy with it
8. I follow strong moral code, part of which is if I've made an enemy, sooner or later I'm going to make them my friend or make them "neutral" trying (however there are a few execptions I've unfortunately had to make)
9. I LOVE music, preferably Classical rock, Jazz, and Concert/Marching band stuff
10. I used to own a young Green Wing Macaw named Jacob! He was such a softie (he's still alive, just different home)
11. I'm a gamer at heart
12. I think of bronies, furries, weebs, and whatever else mostly the same--if you like the stuff on a subtle level and just take enjoyment in it like a normal person would enjoy something, then that's cool and there's nothing too wrong with that (bronies are kinda eh, though). However if your idea of a passtime, like a full fledged activity, is watching a show for little girls, fantasizing about animals to the point you imagine being one, or enjoy anime to the point you're thinking of it outside of TV, I think the problem is pretty evident by then. This is something I'm rather close-minded about, I admit that as a flaw of mine, but I mean come on, just think about it.
13. One thing that makes me feel great is other people feeling great, and the feeling of knowing I've helped people
14. I shot my first gun at the age of seven
15. The largest caliber weapon I've shot is a .50 BMG, it was a bolt-action, hurt like a mofo and nearly split my forehead open on the scope
16. I've flown four different planes, each of which I can name specifically
17. If there is one type of person I hate it is the person who believes they're too good for everyone except their friends
18. I lay a social life full of friends rather low on my life priorities, but having friends is always great, especially having just a few really great friends rather than a bunch of cannon fodder friends.
19. My birthday is February 4th, ████ [hah! You thought you'd get to see that year, nice try!]
20. My first and middle names are Noah and Robert
P.S.: I should also mention that I'm not actually a brony myself. I hate bronies and the show itself more than anything but I'm alright with being around them only on this site, and I absolutely hate MLP. I just somehow know enough about the characters to be able to write fanfiction. Deal with it.
Happy birthday, Aviator of dubious eternality.
Nigga come back, you can blame it all on my hoe
Well fuck, I'm gonna miss ya.
My pleasure!
2164691 Yay! Thankies~