• Member Since 25th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen February 6th


I'm a crazy author-- but then again, what author isn't? I am into all things fandom, especially pony. I also love history, which is why I'm writing this crazy Apollo 11 thing.

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So This is Me

Short autobiography for you all.

I live in the Intermountain West area of the United States. I'm a male who likes ponies, Doctor Who, Halo, and generally all things books and science fiction.
I'm addicted to books, so it only makes sense that I write. I'm never not listening to music.
UPDATE: I have been dragged (not unwillingly) into manga and anime, primarily FMA, InuYasha, OHSHC, and The Devil is a Part Timer.

Hopefully, I'll be making some some basic background scores for my Apolloverse, and posting the links here.

You may also want to know I'm more than a bit insane. But then again, all the best writers are. :pinkiecrazy:


I'm finally back · 1:38pm Dec 4th, 2015

Well, I'm terribly sorry, everyone.

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Report Cyanblackstone · 1,128 views ·
Comments ( 47 )
  • Viewing 43 - 47 of 47

Any chance of finishing "Accommodations"?

Thanks for the favorite on Death of a Queen. Hope you've enjoyed so far!

Thanks again for faving Magisight! :twilightsmile:

Well hope you enjoy reading Zebrican Warlord, its a long one!

Thanks a ton for the fav! Be sure to check out the sequels if you enjoyed the story! :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 43 - 47 of 47
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