• Member Since 18th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


Self-taught writer from Las Vegas, Nevada. I have no idea what I'm doing, but it seems to be working out okay so far. (Enjoying my writing? How about a tip? https://ko-fi.com/type_writer )


Going to Harmonycon in Dallas (and Hollow Pony status update) · 9:07am Feb 16th, 2023

Lali-ho! I'm gonna be at Harmonycon in Dallas with a decently-sized group of friends, in case anyone following me here will also be present. No major plans, I'm still a nobody, but if you spot "Type Writer" on a con badge, say hello!

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Report Type_Writer · 239 views · Story: The Hollow Pony ·

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Hi there! I go by several names, Felidae0, Type Writer, Vraddock, and Pegabutt to some very close friends. I've been on this site since 2012, and reading and writing pony fics for about as long.

I'm not as proud of my older work as my newer stuff; fair warning, anything older than a couple years ago is pretty rough. A lot of it, I have plans to come back and tweak and fix and rewrite eventually, and I've a hundred unwritten stories rattling around inside my head.

Whether you've followed me for this long or you're just now finding me, Welcome! And I hope you enjoy reading my work.

Comments ( 79 )
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Thanks for the follow, hail Slaanesh!

:trollestia: Thanks for the follow; this F,A,O. BattleStation is always up for new recruits. Keep liking and commenting - you won't wanna miss a moment of Vis.

Thank you very much for the follow! I'm glad I've been entertaining so far, and hope I continue to be in the future!

Thanks so much for the follow! :D

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