• Member Since 21st Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen Jul 28th, 2022


Reader of Horsewords and lifter of weights.

Not really sure what you expected to see here, honestly. I'm just another 20-something who likes reading the pone words.


Someone please do a story like this, I BESEECH THEE! · 3:55pm Jan 29th, 2015

A story about Shining Armor's 2nd cousin twice removed, Shinning Armor coming from Van Hoover to congratulate him on his recent marriage to Princess Cadance/defeat of the Changelings.

I found out shinning is a verb that means " to climb by holding fast with the hands or arms and legs and drawing oneself up."

Report RadicalThestral · 348 views ·
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Thank you for the watch!:heart:

Thanks so much for the watch! :D

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