• Member Since 19th Mar, 2015
  • offline last seen Jun 22nd, 2016

Unknown Stalker

What? I'm a robot?! Shit they, know to much..


For the grammar nazi. · 6:29pm Oct 20th, 2015

If someone says, "your."
Simply hit them with that fact of just using this.

Just use "You're."

Report Unknown Stalker · 291 views ·
Comments ( 89 )
  • Viewing 85 - 89 of 89

Thanks for the follow! Out of curiosity, how did I earn it?

Thanks for the follow! :yay:

2013990 Oh well. Still following.

2014075 Shhh. I follow who I want. ;D

  • Viewing 85 - 89 of 89
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