• Member Since 25th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen Oct 10th, 2023




Ponyponyponypony · 4:05am Apr 25th, 2014

Thanks to my editor and friend FTG RainbowDash, along with quite a few of all my glorious readers out there, I've broken through the brick wall!

I'm happy to say Lonesome Dreamscape will be updated the remaining chapters and finally laid to rest... For the Continuation many of you told me you wanted!

Finally feeling like my caffiene induced and crazed self again!

Thanks for reading, and remeber; Sleep is for the weak..


Report Soul_Seeker · 323 views · Story: A Lonesome Dreamscape ·

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Comments ( 19 )
  • Viewing 15 - 19 of 19

If you ever come back, I’ll welcome you back every day of the year ^^

And it was anything!

Cmon dude make some more. You were born to do this!

Are u continuing TFTL or r u quitting for good.... Because I just found this story and it sound amazing. I know you have a life but why give up something that may bring joy to you and in turn bring joy to others. Because if there is anything I have learned while i have been alive is that you cherish the small thing.... And when there gone...you tend to miss them.

I am ashamed that it took a blog post about you leaving, for me to realise I hadn't followed you yet. Please forgive me my transgression.

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