Twenty Six. · 12:14pm Jul 28th, 2014
What if I told you that every story written in the English language that you ever read is just a simple make up of twenty six letters. Twenty six basic shapes all thrown together to make one grand whole. To some these shapes would look like nothing more than nonsense and be disregarded as such, to other these shapes could be gestures of love and affection, hate and spite, sadness and happiness. If I were to give you twenty six different shapes to work with and a blank canvas then told you to
I know this is mega late ^^ But thank you so much for watching me, i'm glad you enjoy my stories and hope you continue to!-FE
*pokes with a stick* is it dead?
Thank you for the fave!
How about the sun and moon for your wall?
I thought, for your shipping wall, it you be you X the word intensifies