• Member Since 19th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 22nd, 2023


Sometimes I wonder why I write. Then I look back at my stories and remember: I have a story to tell. And a LOT of mistakes to correct.

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Comments ( 48 )
  • Viewing 44 - 48 of 48

Howdy man. I hope you’re doing good in life. Your stories are pretty awesome even today. Good job being a good writer even if you’re done

I really like the story you have going so far and since I know there is a ton of mistakes that are costing you ratings and audience I know a good few people that could give you the leg up you need and if worst come to worst I will fix and send you each corrected chapter as I have read them would that work for you?
if so message me back and we’ll get the show on the road!

2360808 Didn't mean to forget about this, but I've been spending less time on the site.

Anyways, it's all cool. I understand how you feel, as life can get in the way at any time, amirite?
Those stories really interest me with the synopsis, but I have a hard time reading things unless there finished or being updated regularly nowadays, just cause I've read so many fics that go unfinished and untouched. You know, just a little weary...

Still, I'll for sure keep checking back though, just cause they sound interesting! :ajsmug:

2360808 I've been lurkin the shadows watching you. I've enjoyed your stories, especially "To call the moon my own" it's very well written, I like many others thought that it was a cross over! Bravo on a job well done.

Also, yay more fellow Luna lovers who actually bother to give Luna a personality!

2360784 Writing's been hard for me as of late. They're not dead but I don't know when I'd be able to write their next chapters. I am, however, working on the My Son, My Soldier, My Hero chapter. I'm sorry I haven't been able to keep them going lately :fluttershysad:

  • Viewing 44 - 48 of 48
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It's Been A While · 4:06am Jun 21st, 2017

Hey, everypony. It's been a while since I've updated and all that. First off, I want to explain why that is. Life has been so trying for me, and it'll be that way for a long time. My enthusiasm for writing is almost gone. It used to be a way for me to escape what was happening around me, but now I'm much too tired to try anymore. I still think about the stories I started and the stories I come up with. I want to share them all with you guys, but I have to sort out my life first.

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