• Member Since 4th May, 2012
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Omega Dracomancer

I'm not the best writer, but I can write.


Celestia's New World Status · 6:19am Dec 4th, 2018

As of right now, 12/3/18, I have edited chapters 1-10 with the help of a friend to reach the quality of story that I have wanted for a long time. I am going to continue editing the posted chapters until I am satasfied with their quality as well. To the people who have followed the story for so long and the people who have joined recently, I am sorry, but I will not be posting another chapter for a while.

Report Omega Dracomancer · 602 views · Story: Celestia's New World ·

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Discord: gravedoctor
Feel free just lemme know where ya came from lol

Comments ( 52 )
  • Viewing 48 - 52 of 52

That's all I can hope for my man.

Hope it gets better for you even if it took a while.

I have a couple of crazy fics of my own if you ever want to check them out. I'm doing my best to edit them and change them around whenever mistakes pop up or people say something. Grammarly has been really helpful on that front.

Can't say an update will be posted anytime soon, but I am working every day. Nobody owes me anything at this point, but even so, the tiniest modicum of support brightens my day.

Hey there. Like your stuff. I hope we get to see more of it in the near future.

  • Viewing 48 - 52 of 52
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