• Member Since 24th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen Jul 20th, 2022


I am but a humble writer, a simple gamer, a freedom fighter. I just wish to share my ideas with my fellow bronies, and as I like to say: Writing is Magic. Wait, do I say that? Ah, screw it.

My Country of Origin

Comments ( 59 )
  • Viewing 55 - 59 of 59

2223966 Yeah, this is a Terran Republic page, now, lets take this outside. Because TRPony is gonna sic the admins on us soon if we keep damaging his page. *Grabs a gun and runs over to your page* Ill be waiting.

2223866 *uses metool grenade, take all the energy and redirects it at The Dark Soul's Scythe*WAIT. This is set in a Planetside universe?

2223903 I don't know. Why anywhere? :coolphoto:

But seriously, I don't know. Guess both of us was bored.


Seriously, why here, of all places?

  • Viewing 55 - 59 of 59
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I'm Sorry..... · 12:53am Jun 1st, 2015

But, due to recent events. I don't think I can continue writing on my stories for the time being. No, it doesn't mean I'm going to stop for good, but I've just lost the will and time to be able to write my shoddy fanfics. And no, I'm not leaving the fandom, I will still be on this site. But it won't be spent writing, but mostly reading and posting comments. I'm truly sorry for anyone that liked my stories, but I feel as though I've lost my passion for writing at the moment. But I will return, I

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