• Member Since 11th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen Mar 7th, 2023



Hey all... been a while, huh? · 10:05pm Sep 1st, 2022

Hello everyone! dastrdlyW here. Most of you probably read the first story I had featured on Equestria Daily, Sparkle No More, which was inspired by two pieces of art I saw on DeviantArt. I worked on that story on and off for five years. Mostly off, but still.

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Comments ( 5 )
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Thanks for the watch Dastardly.

Thanks for the fav.

31449 :)

How have you been!? We haven't talked in, like, forever.

Oh, cool, you're here :D

Don't think I haven't forgotten you from when I was writing Wingmares. Bang, zoom, straight to the author's notes with you.

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