It is the thousandth year since Nightmare Moon's banishment and she has returned. When the battle with Nightmare Moon goes awry, Twilight's friends and family must cope with the destruction left in Nightmare's wake.
Note: This story is based off of the picture giuliabeck's You Are Mine and Sparkle No More.
hay dastardly I kinda got offed by missing story in my tags so I went to check it out ond found this fun little piece of fiction again I hope you don't mind be commenting on it since you hid it from your other story's
Haha. I'm in the process of uploading three chapters right now. It'll be back up in a bit.
2667208 wasn't there a fourth? or are there more than four chapters in this story, and will you actually decide to let Twi live, or are you going to stay with her being perma dead?
2667243 heavy is spy!
2667226 Oh, there's still more to this story. Trust me.
Bizarre. Never notified me of updates
2712810 Well, thanks for checking up on it! Makes me happy to know you're interested enough to look it up!
2713565 I've noticed it's doing this to me with a bunch of stories, so I'm going through my list and finding everything it didn't tell me.
2713879 Well still. Thanks for following my story and for sticking with me through the lack of updates.
2714897 No worries. Glad to see it did!
Hmm... I hope Celestia can catch her. Really we need to get these misconceptions out of the way.
2736584 What do you mean "misconceptions"?
2736588 as in Luna thinking that Celestia wants revenge on her personally, but Celestia is really angry only at Nightmare. also I'm still hoping Twi makes a comeback, like a savior.
More is needed & the chances that twilight is dead is 1 in 10 to the power of 10 to the power of 100 AKA googolplex
2736876 So are you saying you think she's dead or she's not dead?
2736938 Well, if I read that right, he says the chance of Twilight actually being dead is 1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.
So, at a guess, he doesn't think she's dead, or believes she's likely to come back.
2737069 Ah. I see.
to short, need moar.
2739991 More is coming, don't worry. The next chapter is actually nearing the final run of edits. I found a section that really bugs me, so it may be a few more days, but it's almost there.
2736938 no she isnt dead is my guess simply because
2771737 Haha. I see. Well, you'll find out soon enough, as the next chapter is almost finished.
I like it. I really do. And I'm not usually one for Dark fics, but this caught my eye.
Your Celestia and Luna are extremely well thought-out, and the writing seems very real. It was a very small change you made in the canon version, one that I haven't seen before, and it's intriguing. I think now, most of all, I want to see what happens next. It is going to continue through the rest of the series without Twilight? How will the other five, Spike, and Twilight's parents handle the news? Will the other five have a falling out, or will there be another element of magic? What's going to happen when Discord returns, if he returns?
This story is a sapling now and I expect to see it grow and branch out. I hope to see some of these questions answered in later chapters. Don't disappoint.

Good to see this updating!
Also, at one point you say she's 'lalone'.
I stand by what I said before that twilight isnt completely dead
2809860 Fiixed. Thanks!
2809506 Thank you.
2809541 I know what you mean. If it hadn't been for the two pictures I link in the description, this story would never have come to fruition. When I saw them I thought. "AHHH! ... I could make a dark story out of this... why are these thoughts coming to me?" and next thing I knew this was published, and then unpublished for major rewrites. What you're looking at is probably the third draft of the story.
2810648 You'll just have to wait and see. Chapter's 6 and 7 will have, probably, the longest wait between uploads.
also PLEASE do not make twilight a zombie
2811414 or find doctor hooves
I'm the 100th like
I think I remember reading this a long, long time ago, back when it was just an idea, or an outline. It looks like it was just put up a little while ago. I swear I haven't read it in at least a year...
Anyway, it's amazing how much it's improved! The writing is quite solid. Color me impressed.
I'm wondering, is it complete? Or are you still writing parts?
Thanks for the comment. I really am proud of how far it's come.
As you should be. I saw you on EQD just a second ago. It's quite an achievement.
2926477 Yeah. it's undergone countless revisions and even full fledged rewrites of chapters. It's been one helluva ride, but I did it. And I'm grinning ear to ear right now.
I've said it elsewhere, but I feel the need to say it here too: congratulations on the EQD post! It's been a long time coming and you've put in a ton of work; you deserve it.
Hmm... alternate history that turns this sharply? I think the what would make it more compelling is if the other element bearers didn't get an insta heal and had to live with their injures long term.
Wonder what Cadence is going to say.
Also, who will be the replacement bearer? Can there be a replacement? I personally think yes, but many think no.
2927111 Sadly, it was because of that instant heal that Twilight passed away. Changing that would ruin a lot of the story. As much as I would have loved for Twilight to have lived through that, it would have defeated the purpose of this being a "sad" story.
Black tar like vomit? Lovely.
I'm sorry, but I can't wait until they have to answer to Twilight's parents. "It's ok Luna, everything's going to be ok." Really? Yeah, she was under Nightmare Moon's control, but seriously, she has a lot to account for and I hope it doesn't just end in a happy ending. Twilight made a bigger sacrifice than even Starswirl did. She saved everypony. I really like this story, I'm not saying it's bad so please don't rail me about how I feel, it just seems kinda bullshit that Twilight dies and the 2 who pretty much caused it, Luna and Celestia, are all happy and reminiscing and shit.
2928949 Don't worry. Twilight's parents will make an appearance.
I see what you did there...
First fic in a while that had me at the edge of my seat. Excellent.
2930478 That actually makes me pretty happy. Thanks!
2926239 Thank you! Glad you enjoyed.